5th Annual Nulu Bock Fest Postponed Until May 23rd
Photo from @rbath29
The one time of year we all gush over goats has officially been pushed back to May 23rd. It was on the recommendation from the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health & Wellness that it be pushed back. It makes sense and we’re glad Louisville is taking precaution, better safe than sorry.
NULU Business Association President Rick Murphy said, “NULU Bock Fest has been a proud addition to the neighborhood, bringing attention and community members to our businesses and attractions. As you know, there is great uncertainty about the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The recommendations we have received from both governmental and healthcare officials have led us to, what we believe, is a smart decision for the protection of our business owners, their employees, event participants, and spectators. The NULU Business Association values highly the safety and security of our the entire Louisville community.”
In the meantime, read below about why we all gather for goats and dark beer in the first place!
What’s with the name bock fest? It’s a Spring ritual tracing back to the mid-19th Century to mark the changing of the season when the dark German lager, known as bock, was released across the city after a winter of aging. The holiday, which usually coincides with Lent, was hugely popular in Louisville during its first brewing boom, but fell out of favor during Prohibition.
And the goats? Goat races are traditionally associated with Bock Day, as “bock” means “goat” in German. So why not race goats down market street?
We’ll see you all in May!